SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES, November 1, 2019 – October 28, 2019 will commemorate forty (40) years since this country established formal diplomatic relations with the Republic of South Korea. Throughout the years, both countries have cemented an unbreakable friendship and mutual understanding built on trust and respect for the joint benefit of our people in areas of common interest namely in Agriculture, Health, Education, Social Development and Infrastructure.
As a Small Island Developing country with its own challenges, it is imperative that we work together with our diplomatic allies to create meaningful relationships that will facilitate a sustainable future.
On Friday 25th October, 2019, Ambassador Sung Moonup and his delegation from the Republic of South Korea, attended a Handing over Ceremony where the Government of the Republic of Korea, through the Korean Government Development Cooperation Programme has shown its continued commitment to working with Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.

The Government of the Republic of South Korea has contributed 120,000 USD to the Zero Hunger Trust Fund's “Adopt a Classroom Initiative”; an initiative aimed at reducing the incidence of hunger and undernourishment in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines by the year 2020. This contribution was used to source computers, books and other learning material for school children in rural areas and this contribution will make a significant difference in the lives of many students.

The Government and People of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines wishes to express heartfelt thanks and appreciation to the Government of the Republic of South Korea for their continued support to the Zero Hunger Initiative, and other projects over the years.
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For further information, please contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Commerce at telephone number 456 2060.